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Posts tagged ‘Silicon’


Project Silicon Page 3

Project Silicon

Project Summary:

Inspired by Mashies conversion of a Silicon Graphics O2 case I sourced a similar case for a project of my own. These are very cool little cases but its a tight squeeze to fit a MATX sized motherboard inside. There have been three different versions of this project as I wasn’t happy with the first two. After nearly two years in the making its now finished. The specs of the final system is a Pentium IV 2.26ghz cpu, 512mb of Corsair Ram, 160GB Seagate HDD, Sony DVD writer and a Sapphire 9600XT Ultimate.

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Project Silicon: Version Number 3


Ok here is a mega post bump hehe, I’ve finally found the time for modding. I’ve kept Project silicon on hold for ages now and it needs to be finished. So I’ve got my backside in gear and done some new work on this project.

I wasn’t happy with the previous riveted chassis now that I have a bending brake as I could make a new chassis that was much cleaner with one main sheet of aluminium. I will use my new nutsert tool to attach threads for attaching the other pieces together.

Here is the main section of the chassis I’ve cut and bent into shape.

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

The chassis is held in place with 4 screws on the bottom.

The motherboard just slides into the chassis and is held in with plastic standoffs as before.

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

With this new re jig I’ve decided to mount the hard disc on the bottom of the chassis this was where the psu went in the old design which blocked two pci slots, the hard disc just blocks one and I seeing as I dont need all three its no problem. I may change it to the top of the chassis at a later date though with moving the psu where I plan this would be possible.

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

For those interested in the nutset tool here is the kit/the nuts themselves and how they look in place.

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

I’ve just sleeved and redid the cold cathodes for this project with the help of my girlfriend I hate sleeving its quite useful to have a helping hand.

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

I’ve also taken a quick couple of shots of the heatsink, its a swiftech heatsink with a noiseblocker fan and a lovely laser cut fan grill.

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

I’ve sleeved the two noiseblocker fan, I’m using one 80mm on the heatsink and a 92mm for case cooling.

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

I’ve started work on the back panel. Its going to have a single 92mm fan mounted in place. After a bit of a scary moment with my holesaw I had a nice blow hole in the back panel.

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

I didnt get a chance to do much modding today but I managed to mount the rear fan. I’m using some nice allen key m4 bolts. I will also be mounting a “tenderfoot” on the back of the fan to give it a nice look. Just a couple of pictures for you all to see.

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

I’ve spent my time over the last few days working on the back panel. I’ve pretty much finished it now. I’ve also fitted the optical drive to the top of the chassis.

The first pictures are of the optical drive in place.

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

And these pics are of the back panel being built and in place.

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

Another daily update, this time its the power supply that has got sleeved. I’ve changed the connectors for black of blue versions and used the same sleeveing used elsewhere in the project.

I hate sleeving things and this took ages but I’m very happy with the results. The white connector is for the power plug loom so I know which it is and don’t blow the thing up hehe. I’ve also brushed the psu and clear coated it.

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

The sata connector is right pain to fit I broke one in the process of fitting it.

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

A quick update from today, I’ve done a few little jobs but the main two were sleeving the power cable for the psu and mounting the psu onto the supporting strut.

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

I’m coming to the end of the project now, I’ve one drill hole left to do and then its onto the installations of all the parts.

Over the last few days I have installed the cpu and heatsink into the motherboard to get it ready for installation.

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

I’ve also installed the switches and leds, I used them in the projects last iteration and they are still good so I slung them into place.

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

I have also brushed the outside of all the panels to give a good final look, its a bit hard to shoot the brushing, these pics are poor it looks much better in the flesh.

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

Finally I wired up a rheostat to control the two fan’s speed and again sleeved it in the blue sleeving.

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

Well almost two years in the making Project Silicon is finally finish for the the 3rd and FINAL time hehe.

I encountered a few problems on the way to the final installation but I have over come those problems now.

One of the last few jobs was to install the rheostat into the rear panel, I’ve used a blue aluminium knob on the rheobus to complete the blue theme.

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

I then started to install all the parts into the chassis, a few problems cropped up first off the power cable to the sata hard drive wouldn’t fit so I had to redo the loom for that connector. Second the power connector for the optical drive was wired incorrectly so I sorted that problem out. I had a problem with the ide cable , it was for two devices so I just cut off the extra one to tidy things up. It was all downhill from there thankfully. One problem I also encountered is that I over estimated how much cable I really needed so many of the cables are a wee bit too long which is a bit annoying but can be worked around.

I decided to leave the side bit open to allow airflow to the psu it makes sure the system doesn’t overheat.

A quick couple of pics mid installation:

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

Well here is the final "glamour" shots of the complete project silicon.

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

Thats just the case on its own, I’ve tied it up with a hercules 17in tft and microsoft bluetooth keyboard and mouse setup to finish it off. Its going to be my girlfriends rig and she likes it very much.

Here’s some more shots with everything turn on and hooked up, you can see the twin cathodes giving off a nice bloo glow.

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

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Project Silicon Page 2

Project Silicon

Project Summary:

Inspired by Mashies conversion of a Silicon Graphics O2 case I sourced a similar case for a project of my own. These are very cool little cases but its a tight squeeze to fit a MATX sized motherboard inside. There have been three different versions of this project as I wasn’t happy with the first two. After nearly two years in the making its now finished. The specs of the final system is a Pentium IV 2.26ghz cpu, 512mb of Corsair Ram, 160GB Seagate HDD, Sony DVD writer and a Sapphire 9600XT Ultimate.

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Project Silicon: Version Number 2


Some of you have been following my work of late will have realised I’ve been working on Project Liquid Bloo mainly of late.

I have got to the stage of the project where I have moved the cpu ram etc over from my old SGI mod project Silicon. This forced me to take apart Project Silicon and give me some fresh ideas on the project. I decided I didn’t like the original inner case and that I could do things much better.

So I decided to make a new inner chassis. I intend to use aluminium sheet with L shape aluminium on the edges fixed together with rivets. I had a shock this afternoon after coming back from the store with the parts to see Mashie had decided to use the same materials on his SGI case remake as well. So a big sorry to mashie for picking the same materials, I know he will create something very different to mine in the end.

Project Silicon: SGI O2
Project Silicon: SGI O2
Project Silicon: SGI O2

Project Silicon: SGI O2

I tried to keep the structure as simple as possible with as few parts as I could.

Project Silicon: SGI O2
Project Silicon: SGI O2
Project Silicon: SGI O2

Project Silicon: SGI O2
Project Silicon: SGI O2
Project Silicon: SGI O2

Project Silicon: SGI O2
Project Silicon: SGI O2

The chassis was brushed and painted with clear coated to protect the surface, I created two 80mm blow holes at the rear to keep the case nice a cold.

Project Silicon: SGI O2
Project Silicon: SGI O2
Project Silicon: SGI O2

Project Silicon: SGI O2

I brushed the power supply and combo drive to match the chassis.

Project Silicon: SGI O2
Project Silicon: SGI O2
Project Silicon: SGI O2

I was trying to get this version ready for a tv show, but during the final build phase an error I made in the wiring blew both the combo drive and my hard disc. I never got to finish this version properly.

The film shoot was fun , big hellos to mashie and macroman who joined my on the day. It was a long but fruitful day. No pics of my mods but heres us on the day.

Here’s mashies work the pics dont do them justice:

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

Macroman didnt bring any of his projects unfortunately but here’s his rig he was demoing for the program.

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion
Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

Macros nice collection of weapons hehe.

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

And some final mug shots.

Macro and myself:

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

Myself , Macro , Aleks (the nice presenter) and Mashie:

Project Silicon: Sgi 02 Conversion

I totally failed to take any pictures of the car pc I took along what a tool I am 😀

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Project Silicon Page 1

Project Silicon

Project Summary:

Inspired by Mashies conversion of a Silicon Graphics O2 case I sourced a similar case for a project of my own. These are very cool little cases but its a tight squeeze to fit a MATX sized motherboard inside. There have been three different versions of this project as I wasn’t happy with the first two. After nearly two years in the making its now finished. The specs of the final system is a Pentium IV 2.26ghz cpu, 512mb of Corsair Ram, 160GB Seagate HDD, Sony DVD writer and a Sapphire 9600XT Ultimate.

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Project Silicon: Version Number 1


Well now that Project Bad Apple is complete its time to start working on my next project.

I was disappointed that the apple case was a bit too big for me as I’ve got used to having a small shuttle sized pooter, so I wanted my next project to be something smaller but still have a good sized mobo.

I remembered mashie’s entry to this years CPL Project Oenone and had a look at the size and it was perfect. I managed to source a Silicon Graphics O2 via ebay but not through it. It cost £122 with scsi cdrom and psu both of which will be ditched obviously. ( Project Oenone : )

Clearly this isn’t the first time some1 has done this mod and I have to give big credit to mashie for the idea in the first place. I will be trying my hardest to make it different where possible. I have a long term idea that would be very different but cost could be very preventative.

I only got the case this morning and here it is:

Project Silicon: SGI O2
Project Silicon: SGI O2

I then set about taking it apart it took some time to work out how exactly to do this but I got there in the end.

Project Silicon: SGI O2
Project Silicon: SGI O2
Project Silicon: SGI O2

Project Silicon: SGI O2

First thing to do now was to give it a blooming good scrub so I took the plastic parts into the bathroom to clean the dust off.


Project Silicon: SGI O2


Project Silicon: SGI O2

This is going to be a very tight fit to get the board and everything in place eeek.

And finally here is a shot with project bad apple in the background to give u and idea of the scale.

Project Silicon: SGI O2

This project went through many different variations the first one used rough aluminium bends to create the inner chassis. The psu and hdd drive were mounted in a section behind the motherboard.

Project Silicon: SGI O2
Project Silicon: SGI O2
Project Silicon: SGI O2

Project Silicon: SGI O2
Project Silicon: SGI O2

All the cabling was sleeved using chrome/silver braiding, and I intended on using a matrix orbital mx2 lcd, this would require me to split the lcd into its two sections. Unfortunately when doing this I killed the lcd sniff. I used some custom made fan grills made by kong on and with the bit-tech logo.

Project Silicon: SGI O2
Project Silicon: SGI O2
Project Silicon: SGI O2

By the end there was quite a few sections of aluminium that made up the chassis. I made some special thumb scews to hold the back panel in place. A guide to making them can be found on the modding page.

Project Silicon: SGI O2
Project Silicon: SGI O2
Project Silicon: SGI O2

Project Silicon: SGI O2

And the finished article for this variation is shown below.

Project Silicon: SGI O2

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