Z650 Update and Rewire
So it was about time I updated this project log. I’ve ridden the bike a few times, but I’ve been suffering constant electrical gremlins. I tried replacing the regulator with a Shindengen SH775 ,but that didn’t fix things. As the weather has been foul I’ve not had a chance to do much work on the bike.
For some time now I’ve wanted to do a complete rewire so finally I said sod it and got started. First off I wanted to do it properly and easily so my first purchase was a Motogadget M-Unit
It’s an amazing bit of kit, it makes life much easier for the rewire. To go with it I’ve order lots more kit that is arriving shortly I hope. In the mean time I started removing the old crap wiring.
The bike looks much cleaner with out all that rubbish hehe
When the rest of the kit arrives I can start planning the next phase. Here’s some of my shopping list:
Dyna S complete coils/ignition kit
Motogadget M-Unit
Motogadget M-Lock
Shorai Lithium Battery
New Spark plugs
Loads of wiring bits.
Uni Clamp On Air filters
Starter Relay
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