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27 February 2015

Wiring , headlamp and indicators

I’ve started work on the cable spaghetti, it’s not pleasant work, but who said it would be all fun!.

First job of the week so far was to sleeve the two indicators so that the cables would be less obvious. I also did the same to the new headlamp.


Next up I fitted them back on the bike. I was originally going to reuse the bolts from before, but in the end I decided to get some new ones so that I could use an allen key instead of a socket wrench. It makes fitting the indicators much easier. I also moved them to the bottom bolt so that the cable runs underneath and is more hidden.



Next I stripped back the loom so that I could see what is going on and if I can make any improvements.


There were a few iffy connections which I am working through. If I get good weather this weekend I will try to finish the wiring loom changes.

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